True Fact #1 - Yes, we're going back to the great state of Washington in October, 2020 (unless they catch wind of this and ban us all from state line).
True Fact #2 - Some of you may have already heard of a date. If you have, it may be wrong. We wouldn't be us if we didn't royally fuck this up from the jump.
True Fact #3 - It took me and Snarkier Than You like 20 minutes to figure out how to log into Blogger, and another 20 minutes of us trying to remember how the fuck to do this. Thus, bare bones post, my lovely ladies. Also, wine.
Here is all the information we have at this point:
True Fact #2 - Some of you may have already heard of a date. If you have, it may be wrong. We wouldn't be us if we didn't royally fuck this up from the jump.
True Fact #3 - It took me and Snarkier Than You like 20 minutes to figure out how to log into Blogger, and another 20 minutes of us trying to remember how the fuck to do this. Thus, bare bones post, my lovely ladies. Also, wine.
Here is all the information we have at this point:
- We will be landing in the beautiful state of Washington on Thursday, October 22nd. We will be leaving the state (unless forcibly removed earlier) on Monday, October 26th.
- We will not be staying in Forks.
- We're not sure yet where we'll be staying.
Ladies (and perhaps the occasional gent) - this is in the VERY early stages of planning. We wish we could give you more, but we're getting older and we have to go bed soon. Consider this post a "To Be Continued".
Our question to you -- WHO WANTS TO GO?? Please leave a comment if you're seriously interested in joining us.
We know that some of you have been getting together in that area for years and that warms our cold, dark hearts. Also? Probably gonna need your help if you're willing to give it.
We'll be in touch and feel free to share this post because we actually don't know how to anymore.
Be safe.
Jenny Jerkface, Snarkier Than You, and the rest of Twitarded.
P.S. - Special, big huge thanks to Dangr Dafne. SERIOUSLY. She is as tenacious as she is absolutely amazing.
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