FOOOOOOORKS 2020!!! Just enough details to get the planning going, but not so much that anyone will be fooled into thinking we actually know what we're doing.

Apologies to all you folks who must be like "JMFHF you twatwaffles had better get your shit together and plan this thing so I can actually be there!" We have been some dreadful combination of procrastinating, fretting, tied up with the jobs we are forced to hold since we never learned how to monetize any of our online endeavors (and frankly, what would we be - "Twilight Influencers"??? How's that pay???), and, or course, semi-embarrassingly preparing for the zombie viral apocalypse. 

Anyway, while we don't have a lot of the detailed specifics hashed out yet, here's a tentative itinerary for FOOOOOOORKS!!! 2020 - The Reunion Tour:

Friday 10/23 - Twitards Take Seattle! We're hoping to find a venue where those of use staying in Seattle that night can all get together somewhere for drinks/snacks/lots of SQUEEEing and catching up with all of our fellow crazy people. 

And then...

(Maybe. MAYBE they'll welcome us back. And isn't it time they added a vampire here???)

Saturday 10/24 - FOOOOOOORKS!!! We are staying at the Forks Motel again. The rates are great this time of year, and they are giving us a group discount - just mention Twitarded for the special rate (and so that they will try to keep us all roomed near each other and ideally sequestered from randomed heavily armed hunters trying to go to sleep early). 

We will likely be making a return appearance at the Forks Elks Lodge, if they will have us (which I think they will, but maybe we'll leave the blow-up sex dolls and sparkle peens at home this year and not cause any of them to have an aneurysm on the spot). Plus I solemnly swear not to try to fill the gaping hole that is my semi-debilitating social anxiety with vodka. We had looked into the Forks Rainforest Arts Center, which looks amazing (and is right in town), but JJ and I started hyperventilating every time we thought about the additional planning, insurance (and liability), catering, etc., that this would necessitate. Those of you who would love to assist in magically transforming the room to replicate the Twilight prom gazebo scene, awash in twinkle lights and anything else that doesn't involve glitter will be welcome to channel your inner (frugal) Pinterest Goddess for the task. 

Sunday 10/25 - FOOOOORKS Day #2. We'll be...around. Nothing formal planned; this is your day to go off and do whatever makes you and your Twi-besties and your Mini Edward happy (dust them off and bring them, people - last hurrah!). Go down to the res with your Team Jacob minions, grab your hoes for a transcendent walk in the Hoh Rainforest, indulge in some brunchy mimosas with your bloggy friends at the motel. Chill.

Monday morning, Twitards will hit the road and grudgingly make our way back to reality (although nobody is making anyone leave who wants to stay longer). 

And that's about it for now! Sorry for the long blah bah blah post - needless to say my bloggy mojo is somewhere between "need's a good spit shine" and "that shit's broken." 

But I am so, so, so, SO psyched that we are doing this, again (and a little terrified, again). Are you coming? Are you as baffled as we are that we're doing this again??? I can't wait to hear from you in the comments - MWAH!
