If Trailers Were Honest

Remember when the Twilight trailer came out and we all huddled around our computers and watched it over and over again? Okay, maybe only Snarkier Than You and I did that. Or you guys are just lying and don't want to admit that you watched it on repeat, clutching your heart and sighing at every second Edward was onscreen.

I know you, people. I know how many times you watched it. Don't you fucking lie to me. 

That trailer was straight up magical. There will never be another trailer (not even the other Twilight trailers) that made me as excited for a movie as that original Twilight trailer.

Hell, it was better than the movie.

Anyway, ML sent this to me last week and I watched it a bunch of times too, but I didn't get the tingles or anything.

I laughed my ass off instead.

Not only do I love Twilight, I love things that make fun of Twilight. Because, it's hilarious.
